by jonas peterson

Master the Art of Storytelling
For 25 years I've been a paid storyteller, first as a writer in advertising, working for some of the best advertising agencies in the world across 3 continents. I wrote and directed commercials and learned the craft of telling a story that moves people. When I started my photography business I adapted everything I learned and used storytelling as my secret weapon. The success I achieved very quickly surprised even me. In this workshop I will teach you everything I do.
$ 99

The Tangible Workshop
In this workshop I teach you how to create tangible things beyond the digital files we send. I go through the difference between customer service and human care and how you can create a profitable business by simply caring a little bit more than your competition. If you don't make back 10 times the cost of this workshop by implementing the things I go through, I will be extremely surprised.

The Timeless Workshop
In this workshop I go through how I edit all my black and white images. It's post processing made simple even for a novice, but dives deeper into advanced techniques as well. It comes with a custom made Lr/ACR preset. For more examples and videos from the workshop, click below.
$ 59

The Phone Workshop
In this workshop I go through how I edit images using my phone, both for personal and professional use, how to use phone apps to create and manipulate images in creative ways. At the end of the workshop I guarantee you will have learned techniques you had no idea existed.
Get to know
The power of stories
The photography market has changed dramatically. New photographers emerge every day, and it’s becoming hard to stand out.
Being able to take a good image is no longer enough.
What sets a good photographer apart is his ability to make you feel something. And this is done through stories.
My long career in advertising taught me how to create stories that made people stop, take a deep breath, and feel.
I've created this workshop to teach you all I know about stories. When you complete the course, you'll know how to create stories that mean more to you and your clients: the tools to set you apart from your competition.

Ashton Rogers
“Simply the most moving workshop I've ever attended. Jonas, you made me ugly cry at least five times today and I'll never forget how you made me feel. Thank you for teaching me how to tell a greater story with my work, but also with my life. Photographer friends, if you want to be a better storyteller, please don't hesitate signing up for this workshop. You will never be the same.“
Steffen Harris
Guna Ludborza
Danielle Dolan
Just spent the best 7 hours in front of a computer in my life. Lost the number of times Jonas made me cry. In "A Greater Story", Jonas not only teaches how to tell a better story, but I believe also, how to be a better person. I would sincerely recommend this to any creative soul out there.
Friends who are creatives, I can't recommend this workshop enough! Unlike any I've ever been a part of and one of the most beneficial workshops I've ever attended in 11 years of photography.
Not to be dramatic, but this workshop changed my whole outlook on life.

Tara Heindl
I want to share my feelings from this workshop so far. I'm naturally an emotional person and I'm quite attuned with my emotions. However, this workshop has taken my feelings to a whole new level. You are going to get a raw and true side of storytelling that Jonas explains in the most beautiful and artistic way I've ever heard. It's not just any online workshop. Buckle up and get ready to learn the art of storytelling and how incredibly important it is in your work as an artist and storyteller. Our clients deserve their stories to be told in the most authentic and beautiful way possible...for them...not our portfolio. And Jonas is the inspiration we all need. You. Will. Not. Regret. This.
What you'll learn
HOW TO break down storytelling to its basic elements
After 10 years of teaching, I’m GIVING YOU what sets me apart and made me successful. Stories.
simple techniques to tell better stories

how I use stories in every aspect of my business
how to write for social media and FOR your website
Even my earliest memories involves stories, my father reading Tintin books to me on the couch or me telling stories to others to make them feel something.
I just wanted to let you know that you’ve changed my life. I don’t say that lightly. Something (perhaps everything) about the workshop really resonated with me and continues to do so now. A number of amazing things came out of the workshop.
I sat down the day after the workshop with a notepad and pen. I realised that I needed to get to know my own story, find the real me. The more of my own story that I wrote down, the more great things I started noticing. I started to appreciate my own journey. I started to see the great things that only I can bring to the table. Not just with photography, but with life in general.
I’ve stopped worrying and comparing. I used to compare where I was at to everybody else. Hearing your story Jonas, made me realise everyone starts somewhere. I am where I am. I’m now much happier and more confident in my own voice and abilities. I can see the joy I’m bringing others. It is no coincidence that every shoot I’ve delivered since the workshop has had an emotional response. I’ve had some absolutely gorgeous emails from clients.
Finally, life has started to fall into place.
Thanks for triggering something inside me. I’m beyond excited about what the future holds. However, I feel like the workshop has truly given me so much.
I hope you’re well – I’ll keep following your adventures and stories. You’re wonderful.

I'm Jonas
Over the last 10 years I've taught my workshop to thousands of photographers worldwide.
I’ve made my living telling and making up stories since 1998, so you could say it’s one thing I know well. I will break down storytelling to its elements, show you simple techniques to tell better stories and share how I use stories in every aspect of my business.
After this day, I’m confident you’ll have your own tools to set you apart from your competition, but you will also create stories that mean more to you and your clients.
This Workshop is for You if
You want to learn how to create stories that impact people's lives
You want to elevate your business and differentiate from the competition
You want to use the power of stories to make your clients feel
You want to learn techniques to engage your audience through storytelling

What's the format?
This is a recorded version of the live workshop hold on December 2020. It is a full day workshop: 7.5 hours divided in 4 sessions of 90 minutes each, followed by Q&A as they happened live.
How does it work?
You only have to buy the ticket, and you'll have 1 month time to access the workshop as many times as you like.
Can I download the videos?
No, this workshop is meant to be as close to a live event as possible. You can take notes and watch it as many times within your 1 month period, but you cannot download the files.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a wedding photographer, if you shoot families or even landscapes. EVERYONE will benefit from being able to tell a better story.